Updated May 21, 2008
U.S. Representative Darrell Issa (R, 49th District CA) was
awarded the Philippine Congressional Achievement Medal on 19 May
2008 by Philippine Congressman Antonio Diaz (Chairman of the
Veterans Affairs and Welfare Committee of the Philippine House
of Representatives) for
his unwavering support for strong Philippine-U.S. relations
and for championing Philippine interests in the U.S.
House of Representatives, in particular, the passage of a Filipino
WWII Veterans Equity Bill. Rep. Issa is also a co-founder and
co-chairman of the Philippine-U.S. Friendship Caucus in the U.S.
House of Representatives.
PPHOTO: (L-R) M/Gen Delfin Lorenzana, Minister Eduardo de Vega, Rep. Darrell
Issa, Cong. Antonio Diaz, Cong. Roman Romulo, and Justice (Ret) Manuel Pamaran |