WASHINGTON, D.C. -- H.E. Ambassador Albert del Rosario met with
Arnedo S. Valera, Esq., Executive Director of the Migrant
Heritage Commission (MHC). During the meeting, Mr. Valera
apprised him of the well-attended "MISA NG BAYAN-People's
Centennial Mass" held at the Basilica of the National Shrine of
the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C.
The historic event was jointly organized by the Migrant Heritage
Commission (MHC) and the Birhen ng Antipolo (BNA), U.S.A. Inc.
The Ambassador has expressed support for the Filipino Migrant
Centennial Events of the Migrant Heritage Commission. MHC events
are in response to the invitation of the Smithsonian Institution
to the Filipino community to undertake programs in celebrating
100 years of Filipino Migration to the U.S. MHC's presenting
Sponsor for all centennial events is the BANK OF AMERICA.