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Updated 2011 Aug 1
PIBNA 2011


"FSA Jax joined PIBNA since we want to engage stronger teams. Its a way to measure our strength, learning at the same time, and enjoying the excitement."

"We get to compete with strong teams like Toronto, New York, Montreal, and New Jersey to name a few," said Blancas. "Former PBA and All Star players add to the excitement and challenge and make their presence on the hardwood. Fans idolize them."

"For me, all the basketball stars were once a kid who looked up to his idol," said Blancas. "In reality though, it is the kid who is the star of the sport, or someday will be."


PIBNA 2011


PIBNA Open Jax v Toronto 2009
"Our championship victories can be attributed to our hard work, teamwork, and talent" -- Dickson Blancas, FSA Chairman (Photo: FSA Jax / Blue Bridge Photography)

Blancas see the PIBNA and basketball as a gateway for the youth to play professional and take the sports to its max.

In the near future, with practice, hard work, experience, they rise to be the best. They ultimately become the titans of basketball."

For additional information, to be a sponsor or support your local PIBNA team visit (E.R.Cruz /


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