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"PAL has been pushing me, encouraging me to fly with them. But I'm still thinking about that. I'm not decided yet," said the actress who, in her PATS uniform, hardly looked like the sex nymphet who stars opposite Eddie Garcia in FLT Film's "Kapitan Ambo, Outside Da Kulambo." Granada, who is the lone female in a class of 50 at PATS, said she is concentrating on her Air Force training. She remains unfazed by the Sept. 11 terrorist hijacking of airliners and the most recent plane crash in New York. "These things do not stop me from pursuing what I reall dream to be. I'm not scared at all. I'm not saying though that I'm that tough to face death. It's just that if it's your time to die, it's really your time," she said. The actress, who could be Air Force second lieutenant after graduation if she joins PAF, said she wants to be called Capt. Granada someday.